Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Frost in May?

Temperatures in Cincinnati are expected to get down into the mid 30s tonight. What is going on with the weather lately?! Put cardboard boxes around all of my hops to try to keep them from getting frosted. I'm pretty confident it will work, but we'll see come morning.

Another few rounds of rain this week. The Tettnang is really getting beat up with all the moisture. It is by far my soggiest plant. If it survives this year, I may try to relocate it next year. I figure I've committed to it in the ground already, just let it ride. One of the shoots on the Tettnang has started to die but the others so far look healthy.

The Mt. Hood is by far the best (as I've stated in previous post) and hearing from other folks, this appears to be their best too. Has done well in the rain and the little sun we have had over the last week has helped it grow quickly.

If I get around to it, I may start to string up the Mt. Hood which is around 2 feet and the Tettnang which is maybe just over a foot. I'm running them off the same pole so since I'll be up on the ladder might as well do both. The Willamette and Cascade are a LONG away from needing string so I'll do those in a few week.

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